Cossouq (WIP)

UI/UX design for an online

Visual Identity, UI design, UX design
Year: 2022
Cossouq is a unique and inclusive online marketplace for skincare, personal care, and beauty products. With over 450+ brands and 14,000+ authentic products, Cossouq offers a sensibly curated platform that celebrates individuality, inclusivity, and sustainability. Our UI and UX project aimed to enhance the user experience, creating an intuitive and engaging interface that aligns with the brand's values. Our project helped to reinforce Cossouq's mission of celebrating individuality and providing a sensibly curated platform for conscious living and sustainable beauty.
User interface and experience design
Our design process for Cossouq involved a user-centric approach that prioritized customer feedback and usability. We started by analyzing user needs and identifying pain points in the existing interface. We then created wireframes and prototypes to test and iterate our design ideas. Our design strategy involved creating an intuitive and engaging interface, optimizing site functionality, and enhancing brand engagement. We incorporated visual elements that reflected the brand's values of inclusivity, sustainability, and self-care. Through rigorous user testing and customer feedback, we were able to create a user-friendly platform that caters to the needs of all users. Our project helped to elevate Cossouq's user experience, making it a go-to platform for conscious living and sustainable beauty.
UI and UX design: Abhishek Durani, Karthik VG, Sreeram K, Gnyandev Patel
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